The Texas Aviation Hall of Fame was established in 1995 through a resolution by the 74th Texas Legislature and signed by then Gov. George W. Bush to honor and recognize Texans and Texas companies or organizations that have made significant and lasting contributions to the advancement of aviation. There are currently 97 individuals and groups in the Texas Aviation Hall of Fame, in four categories which include trailblazers and explorers, wartime aviators, leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators. The Texas Aviation Hall of Fame represents trailblazers and explorers such as Bessie Coleman and Wiley Post; leaders such as Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush; World War II aviators Tex Hill, the Doolittle Raiders, Tuskegee Airmen and Women Airforce Service Pilots; astronauts Eileen Collins, Joe Engle and Gene Cernan; and entrepreneurs Howard Hughes and Rod Lewis.

Texas Aviation Hall of Fame

Antoni “Tony” Bingelis

Experimental Aircraft Builder

Gordon M. Bethune

CEO of Continental Airlines

Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr.

U.S. Senator, World War II Bomber Pilot

Alan L. Bean


Gordon “Bax” Baxter

Aviation Writer

Orvon G. “Gene” Autry

Film Star, Musician and World War II Pilot

William A. “Bill” Anders

Apollo Astronaut, CEO General Dynamics

Tuskegee Airmen

World War II Pilots

The Edwards Family

Warbird Enthusiasts

111th Aero Squadron

Second Oldest Flying Unit of the United States Air Force

Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP)

Women Airforce Service Pilots

The Doolittle Raiders

Doolittle's Tokyo Raiders
The Stinson Family

The Stinson Family

Flight Education and Pioneering