Why Do You Volunteer?

We asked some of our volunteers to share their stories with us and why they chose to volunteer at LSFM…here’s what they had to say!

Volunteer Ken Lowery – “When I first began volunteering at the Lone Star Flight Museum, it was a decision I made as a way to honor my father and the 23 years he served in the Air Force. It has now grown into an opportunity to work with a group of wonderful, talented people from diverse backgrounds and unique experiences. Volunteering has also enabled me to meet the variety of visitors that travel from across the Houston area and country to visit the museum. My time at the Lone Star Flight Museum has been an exciting experience as I have been able to work and interact with amazing people with even more amazing stories and talents.”

Volunteer Greg White – “First and foremost, I am an aviator. I wanted to fly the planes. My health got in the way of that. As a professional aviator, this is also a way for me to give something back to my profession and my community.  Additionally, this is an excellent avenue to help educate people of all ages about aviation and aviation history including the service, past and present, of our military personnel. Last but not least is the joy that I receive from the opportunity to be able to encourage and  influence the future generations regarding the possibilities aviation may offer them as they make their life choices.”

Volunteer Brad Adams – “I volunteer for a number of reasons. I love history, especially the World Wars. I am familiar with and deeply respect the military aircraft in the museum because I built models of all of them as a boy.  I also enjoy teaching and interacting with people.”

Volunteer Gilberto Monarez – “I volunteer at LSFM to help students learn the physics of aerospace engineering in a way that is friendly to them.”

Volunteer Gordon Reed – “I wanted to volunteer at the LSFM because I love talking about WWII and other aircraft. I also enjoy meeting and talking to people about the aircraft and our museum.”

Volunteer Arthur Ruiz – “The reason I joined was because I wanted to be around airplanes and share my stories, which would otherwise be lost. I am in the process of writing my autobiography, which will include all my aviation stories and experiences that I can remember in the 60 years of my aviation career.”

Volunteer Brock Howe – “One word: WARBIRDS!!!!!! But seriously, I grew up building models of these exact aircraft and dreamed about them so now, to be able to work on the “real” aircraft is a quite a privilege.  It’s an honor to be able to part of the top notch team that keeps these birds flying.”

Volunteer Brian Utermahlen – I chose to volunteer because I love flying, being around people who love flying, and presenting flying to kids who will someday enjoy aviation as much as I do. The best place on the planet to do that is the LONE STAR FLIGHT MUSEUM!

Volunteer and Pilot Rick Sharpe – “… to expand on a place to display aircraft used in the Vietnam War.”

Volunteer Mike Roberson – “The reason I wanted to start is that I get to continue talking to people about how exciting working on aircraft and aviation is, as well as being close to aircraft that have helped to shape the USA.”

Volunteer Aaron Rast – “I love being around aircraft!”

Volunteer Tom Crawford – “Pretty simple.. I just wanted to be up close and personal with WWII aircraft. Touch them, hear their engines roar. To be around like minded people and learn more about the planes. It’s always been my love hobby.”

Volunteer Gary Kitson – “Learn more about WWII history!”

Volunteer Jack Fletcher – “I wanted to volunteer at LSFM because of my love of flying and my interest in WWII and Korean War era aircraft. I earned my first pilot certificate in 1974 and went on to become a CFI by 1977. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with all the students that come to the Museum and the ALC. LSFM has also given me the opportunity to meet many people from all over this country and some from other countries. I am happy to be a part of this world class and unique museum managed by some of the greatest people.”

Volunteer Robert Burger – “To have a chance to work on “old” airplanes and participate in the Flight Experience program!”

Volunteer Bob Wehnert – “Besides having a pilots license and a great interest in aircraft, especially WWII craft. Having flown 25 missions, as a top turret gunner, on a B-24 Liberator bomber in WWII. Our bomb group the 450th. lost 1,505 men killed or missing. I want to make sure their memories are not forgotten. They gave their all.”

Volunteer Jim Gummelt: “I find everything about aviation fascinating and like sharing the knowledge with others.”

Volunteer Duncan Stewart – “I decided to volunteer as a way to spread the history of aviation, as well as to encourage young folks into STEM opportunities.  Another reason was to get out of my wife’s hair.”

Volunteer Bill McNease – “I enjoy telling the history to all of those interested and to keep the memories of all those lost and injured alive so wars will never happen again and to teaching the children the sciences that made this all happen.”

Volunteer Rob Harvan – “I became a docent because I want to share my love of history in general and aviation history in particular with others. I especially want to do this with students through the education tours. Unless we can transfer our passion to them, it’s only a matter of time before the knowledge is lost.”

Volunteer Steven Page – “I have always been a history buff, and engineer.  By volunteering at LSFM, I can pass on some of my knowledge of the history of the aircraft, the bravery, dedication, and patriotism of the people associated with flight, the physics and engineering involved and the appreciation of these and the desire to learn more.”

Volunteer Mark Winter – “My wife told me about this museum where you can work on old airplanes. I stopped by and filled out an application and was immediately taken into the shop where I was introduced to one of the mechanics. We walked out into the hangar and I knew this was where I would like to volunteer my time. We walked up to the Corsair on jacks and I was handed a grease filled wheel bearing and was told to clean it, a project I had done on my tiny car wheel bearings. After cleaning and the bearing was inspected by the mechanic, he told me to re-pack the bearing. When I asked for the bearing packer in the shop, it produced a great deal of laughter. I was handed 5-lb container of bearing grease. I believe that was the test to see if I was willing to get my hands dirty. Over the years I had to opportunity to meet those that flew in, worked on, and even built the museum’s aircraft. I continue to volunteer to honor those giants that came before me.”